For some time now, many of us have been going through the INTENSE purging,
through this "wilderness" experience, where the heat is almost
unbearable. The winds have risen up and have stirred all kinds of things, the
loneliness and heartbreak are our companions.
Some of us have built the strongholds all around us. I speak this from my very
own experience, but I do know that I am not the only one, but am just one of
many that God is bringing through, at this time.
There are walls all around us from all emotional hurts. Rejections and heart
pains have taught us how to fortify our hearts, to protect and guard it against
all that would come our way. We have made ourselves strong by building the wall
with our own hands, and every time we went through the suffering and heart
pains, the wall became bigger and stronger.
But that strength was made within us rather than allowing God to be that
strength in our weakness ...
So the time has come, and He is tearing down all those defenses and walls we
have carefully built with our own hands. The time has come to reveal all our
life wounds and scars, to become completely open and vulnerable to God.
But out of those ashes of the broken humanity there is the new spirit arising,
totally and completely belonging to God, being devoted only to Him, and
following Him wherever He may lead ...
Maturity has a PRICE - it costs us all. All of our will, and all of our flesh
will have to be consumed in His fire, so that the holiness will become the NORM
of our living, and
Jesus Christ will become truly the one and only living within us. That way it
will not be just the words we talk about, the scripture we have learned to
quote, but our very own life will become the Gospel, walking in the WAY of the
Lord. For Jesus is THE WAY!
I know that I am not alone in these things I am experiencing. God is tearing
down our walls, and through the tears of repentance and our heartbreaks, the NEW
us is rising up, from the ashes of old we are being formed to His liking.
The fire of holiness is raging, the winds of change are blowing, gathering the
ashes as the offering, so that the new man is being formed, and the Glory of God
will be able to reside and fill that temple. The Body of Christ will truly
become His Body, the Holy Temple, the true Bride.
There is the time and the place in God, where each one of us will have to
"expose" ourselves, unlock, and open up all the hidden passage ways
that lead to the CENTER of our heart, so that the healing waters can flow, and
the restoration can take place.
For how can we help and restore others if we are in need of restoration
God knows what He is doing, He is in ultimate control ... Belonging to Him we
are not our own anymore, and He WILL accomplish all that needs to be
Heart breaks will come, the pain and suffering, the loneliness and hardships
too. But all those are just tools, used to help us being shaped into the true
sons and daughters of God. For out of the broken heart the true compassion will
flow ..
Out of the broken humanity the holy nation will arise, and their destiny and
their purpose will finally take place. We will be called the PURE and HOLY, as
we reveal God's Glory to all the people on the earth.
So let God's fire rage and consume, let the winds of change blow. For upon the
ashes of old the former and the latter rain will fall, the power of the Holy
Spirit will once again raise the dead out of the tomb and confines of this
flesh, and we will shine, clothed in the very Glory of our God.