I Am
Coming To Those Who Are Looking For Me
Susan Cummings
I Am coming to those who are looking for Me. For I am drawn by their desire
to know Me and to be like Me. Love cries out to Love, for it's fulfillment. The
Spirit and the Bride are crying out, Come! My Heart is being revealed to My Ones
who labor over Me, to be like Me.
I Am coming to reveal Myself to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
My children sit at My Table and are fed by My hand, and they do not lack nor
strain to be fed, but they wait at My Feet, and rest until I bring them their
portion. Each of My Children has their portion.
I Am coming to those who weep and sigh over the sin in My House, and who have
not given their birthright to another. They have guarded the precious and have
esteemed it better than the worldly offering. Such are My Faithful Ones, in whom
it is written of in My Book.
I Am coming to those who have clean hands and a pure heart, and who have not
given their heart to another. They only have eyes for Me, and will not be given
over to the destroyer that is now loosed among men. My Covenant Seal is upon
them, and they are Mine.
I Am coming to show forth My Glory in the vessels of honor that I have made, for
just such a purpose. These Torch bearers will burn with My Glory as a witness,
and as a Light to those in the darkness, and many will come to Me through their
testimony. For I always have a remnant in the earth. Even in this last hour,
will I reap a Harvest.
I Am coming as it is written in My Word. It will be as I have stated, but not as
men would choose to see. For much is still rejected in My Word, and much is
taken out for men's purposes, and much is mistakenly seen and understood, for I
have hidden it from the wise, and now, I am showing the babes.
I Am coming to the rejected, the despised, the lost, the abused, the wounded,
the outcasts, and the sheep that have been cast out, and I am gathering them
into My Barns where they will now be fed, for the time of culmination has come,
and My House will be full. Not one of Mine will be missed, as I have gathered
them all from their places of hidden ness , and am bringing them in. Each to
their portion, but all into Me.
I Am coming to judge My House first, and then the world. For I must have a Holy
Place to dwell in, and nothing will remain that is not Holy or Pure. I Am Holy
and My People will be Holy. There will no longer be any defiled thing in My
House, for all will be now removed outside the camp. There will be a distinction
between the Holy and the Profane.
I Am coming to reap My Harvest. Man will not touch what is Mine, and will not
harm My little ones, but I will bring them in, and they will know that I alone,
am God. I Am the Lord of the Harvest. I have come to My Vineyard, and woe to
those who have not been faithful to tend it properly. For everyone's works will
be clearly seen for what they truly were.
I Am coming as a Fire, as a Wind, and as the Rain. Each has already came on the
earth, now it will come upon My Vessels, and then pour through them. My Fire
will burn through My Vessels as they speak My Word. My Wind will blow upon My
Vessels as I perform My Word in their midst. My Rain will cleanse My People, as
they embrace My Word that is spoken.
Then, My Glory will come, and will fill My House, according to My Word.