I Am
Restoring Purity To My Gifts.
Patsy Shelton Oct 30, 2003
Flowing, there is coming to My people a flowing of that which I have deposited
into their lives. Amongst this people there will be no spirit of competition,
but of unity. These that I am raising up in these last days will not compete
with each other, but they will complete each other. No longer will they compare
themselves to others, but they will be confident in their calling, their
giftings, and their position in My Body.
Oh there has not been such a time as this, when I will have unity among the
brethren, and when the gifts and callings in My people will no longer bring
strife and division, but unity and completeness. Yea, one will complete the
other. Their eyes will not be on themselves, but their eyes will be on helping
each other become all that they can be for the Glory of the Kingdom of their
God. They will not be building their own kingdoms, but they will be building My
Kingdom, and My Kingdom will come into the earth. And they will be building up
each other in My most Holy faith.
In corporate gatherings, one will have a word of knowledge, one a word of
wisdom, another a prophetic word, song, or vision. And there will be such a flow
and I will command the blessings in the midst of these gatherings, and My power
and My manifested presence will be seen and I will do miracles in their midst.
Never before has there been a time when there will be a coming together of My
people in love and in unity. Never before has there been a time when the
operation of the gifts of My Spirit were more needed, than now and in the days
And as the anointing increases so will the gifts, and they will flow and serve
the purposes for which I ordained them. Words of knowledge that will rend the
hearts of men, words of wisdom that will give Godly counsel and direction, the
gift of healing, and the working of miracles. My people have never seen the
days, like the days that are ahead.
My Spirit, will disperse the gifts through My people, as He knows the hearts of
men, and the deep things of God. And I have raised up a people that will yield
to His leading, and they will operate in all the gifts. They have not desired
the gifts to glorify their flesh but they have desired the gifts to bring
healing, renewal, and restoration to My people.
There are those that have yielded their beings to Me as a holy sacrifice,
acceptable unto their God. They are no longer conformed to this world but have
been transformed through the renewing of their minds. They are humble before
their God, and are not prideful. They do not think highly of themselves, but see
themselves a servant to all. They think soberly, they are of sound mind, and
they think My thoughts, and not their own. They have crucified their flesh, and
the gifts will not flow through their emotions. They do not walk by their
feelings, but they walk by faith. They have emptied themselves out, are empty
cisterns, and My Spirit can move and have His being in and through them.
Flowing, flowing, flowing, there is coming a restoration of the purity of the
gifts, and they will flow through purified vessels. And I will flow through
these purified vessels to manifest the miraculous in the earth today. And they
will compliment and complete each other, and they will flow as one entity,
because they have become one with the Holy One of Israel. Ah, there are glorious
days, and glorious things ahead for My people. No more lone rangers, but one
Body, one entity, and one organism flowing forth to the nations. Flowing in
unity and love, and flowing in the gifts of My Spirit.