Will Be A Father To The Fatherless
Patsy Shelton Nov 13, 2003
Ah saith the Lord God; I am doing a deep
work in the lives of My people. I am exposing and revealing the roots, even from
childhood, that have bound My people to their past, and kept them from entering
into their future. These life’s experiences have even kept them from entering
into intimacy with their God.
Those that have not had a father cannot relate to Me as their father. Did I not
say that a bastard could not enter into the congregation of the Lord? A bastard
is a child without a father. These among My people have nothing to relate to, so
how can they see their heavenly father? They also have spent their lives trying
to find their identity, and they cannot see that they were created in the image
of their God because they have no reference point.
Then there are others that have had fathers that were abusive, critical and
judgmental, and these live constantly under a cloud of condemnation. They are
not able to receive My love, grace, and mercy because they think that I am
always displeased with them no matter what they do. And this has produced a
religious spirit in the hearts of these. They are all rules and regulations and
void of love, understanding, grace and mercy.
I also gave instruction to father’s regarding their daughters not to wound
them with their actions, or their words. Why? Because I knew that the land would
fall to whoredom, and the earth would fall to whoredom. The lack of a father’s
love in the lives of My daughters has caused them to look everywhere for that
which I intended them to receives from their father’s. And they have become
sexually promiscuous for want and need of a father’s love, even the natural
affection that should have been given to My daughters.
Did I not give instruction to father’s not to provoke their children to wrath?
I am infinite wisdom, and in My wisdom I knew that these children would judge
and hate their father’s and become a prey for the enemy of their souls,
opening them up to demonic influences.
I am tearing down walls, and I am tearing down the barriers that have blinded My
people to who they are in Me, and who I am to them. Did I not say that I would
be a father to the fatherless? And I will pour upon the wounded of My people the
grace to know me as the father that their father’s should have been. I will
reveal myself to them, and I will love them to life.
How will I do this? I have prepared surrogate fathers and mothers in My Body
that will represent me in the earth. I will turn a generation, from ungodliness
to godliness through these. I will heal the deep wounds, bruises, and scars left
on their hearts by their fathers I will bring them by the way everlasting.
I will pour out, upon these that were deeply wounded by their fathers, My grace
and mercy, and give them the ability to forgive and to forget those things that
never should have happened to My children. I will love them with an everlasting
love, forgive their sins, and cleanse them of all their unrighteousness. I will
be a father to the fatherless. I will bring these lost sheep of the house of
Israel into the Holies of Holies, and they will see Me face to face, saith the
Lord God.