One Church, One Body, One Entity
Patsy Shelton
Aug 10, 2003


I am fitting and joining together many people and many races. No longer will there be separation between different cultures, and different peoples. I have one glorious church, without spot and wrinkle.

The Afro-American church, the Asian church, the Hispanic church, the Caucasian church, will become one church, and one body of believer’s. All peoples and all cultures, they are mine. I am no respecter of persons, and My church will be multi-cultural.

And these I will bring together and they will worship me in spirit and in truth, as one entity, even My Body, comprised of all My children without regard to race or culture. And I will give them one heart, and one song. And they will sing the song of the Lamb, and I will be in the midst of them. And I will rejoice that no longer there will be separation and division between My people.

As I do this marvelous thing, breaking down prejudice among My people, and linking hearts and spirits together, their worship will come before My Throne as a sweet savour. And My love will be shed abroad by My Spirit, through this church that will be one, and they will go forth, and even cause others to be linked together in the unity of the brethren.

I am tearing down everything that man has built. I am tearing down doctrine and theology. I am tearing down the walls of denominations. I am tearing down prejudice, and everything that separates My people, and keeps My Body from flowing and functioning as one. And I am raising up a people, bathed in My love, walking in revelation and knowledge of who I am, and who they are, and even though they have come from different backgrounds, and heritages, I will be there inheritance. For I will graft them into My Body, regardless of creed , color, or culture.

All peoples have been adopted and grafted into My Kingdom as My sons and daughters. They are the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through the death and blood of My Son.

Watch now, as I bring together different peoples of different cultures, and cause them to flow as one entity, even My Body. My glorious church without the blemish of prejudice, one with My Son as the head of all.

Watch now as I do this glorious thing, as I tear down the walls of separation, and raise up one church, one body, and one entity