That Have Sought Me With All Their Heart's
Patsy Shelton Nov 4, 2003
It is a time of soaking and saturation for those that have sought me with all
their hearts. My people with longing hearts that have cried out from the inner
most parts of their beings, “More Lord, more of you Lord, and less of me.” I
have heard their cries, and in this season, as they soak in My presence, I will
saturate them with new oil, and pouring out new wine.
Oh I am going to anoint their heads with oil, and there will be an overflowing.
And it will flow out of them and onto others. And as this oil flows onto those
with longing hearts it will even cause others to long for and desire the
relationship that will produce this saturation in their lives. And the new wine
that I will serve to these will produce great joy, and even drunkenness. I have
saved the best wine for these last days.
You will be able to recognize these saturated ones, because their countenance
will shine forth with the oil. They will not have one religious bone in their
body, and they will walk in a liberty and freedom that the religious system has
not seen before. They will shine forth with the Glory of their God, and they
will be dripping oil. And they will serve to others the new wine.
The soaking in My presence has caused their wine skins to become soft and
subtle, and they have been prepared to carry the new wine. Their wine skins are
bulging at the seams, and they are able to pour and pour this new wine upon My
people. These My saturated ones will do as My Son did, they will empty
themselves out, and came again to My Throne Room, and there they will soak and
be saturated, and filled again. To these that have learned to soak in My
presence there will be no end of the oil and the wine. They will empty
themselves out, come to Me and I will saturate them, and fill them again.
These saturated ones have come to understand that there is nothing more
important in the entire world than enjoying the presence of their God. They find
great pleasure in pouring out that which I have poured into them, but they have
no need of being sought out and recognized. The grandest pleasure in their life
is soaking, even basking in My presence. They are totally consumed by My
presence, and I am totally consumed by their longing hearts.
I will send them forth, and they will take others to this place in Me where they
will be saturated with the oil and filled with new wine. Where even the deepest
heart’s desires will no longer matter, their circumstances will no longer
matter, their situations will no longer matter, but they will be lost in Me, and
I will be lost in their longing hearts, and I will saturate them with the oil
and the wine.
How I have longed for this day, and this time when I would have a people that
would have such a deep longing in their heart’s only to be near their God. A
people that will soak in My presence, be saturated with oil, and filled with new
wine. Ah, My heart is even overtaken with these, and the desire of their hearts
to only be near to their God.
No other generation has found this pleasure. But to this generation, and to
these with longing hearts, I have extended this invitation to come into My
Throne Room to soak in My presence be saturated with oil and filled with new