Watch Now As I Bring To The Forefront Those That Are Endued With Power From On High
Patsy Shelton
Aug 15, 2003


What you saw today was a lack of power. In the church, and in the lives of My people there is a lack of power. Did I not say that I have given you the power to become the sons and daughters of God? Why then do so many walk on in darkness? When My word goes forth it should be followed by a demonstration of the Spirit and of power. That is not only the word that comes forth from ministers, but also the word that I have planted in the hearts of My people, when spoken forth in the physical realm, releases power.

All the power of the Godhead resides My people, and yet they walk on in darkness, not knowing how to appropriate the power provided for them. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power that resides within their very being. Did I not say that in weakness that I would be strong? But, when the weakness or temptation comes My people try to deal with it in their own strength, thus denying the power within. Then a cycle of discouragement and failure follow.

The power that raised My Son from the grave resides in My people, by My Spirit, and when there is a drawing on of that power by My people the miraculous will happen. Not only in their lives, but also in the lives of others.

The blood that My Son shed wrought the victory, and the word of their testimony releases the power. Not only the power to over come the infirmities of the flesh, but the power to live the abundant life that I promised to them. Oh, My people don’t have to continue to walk on in darkness. If only they would acknowledge the power that resides within them, and is released through the spoken word, then there will be a demonstration of My Spirit and My power.

I am raising up a people that have tapped into the power provided them by their relationship with Me, and that power is going to work miracles first in their lives, and then work miracles in the lives of others.

Oh what a day when not only My Glory will fill the earth, but My power will be manifested in and through the lives of My people, and no longer will they walk on in darkness. They will be a walking, talking demonstration of the power that changes lives, and manifest in signs and wonders in the earth

Watch now as those that have tapped into My power are brought to the forefront in this time that I might be glorified in the earth. Oh, the sons and daughters are coming into the earth and being brought to the forefront endued with power from on high.