The Enemy Has Loosed Targeted Assignments to Beat Up,

Beat Down and Wear Out -- The Saints!



        A Word through Lisa Cooke




As you know, the enemy is about the business of trying to wear the Saints out by distracting them, discouraging them, deceiving them and by bringing division into the camp, thus causing many to become lifeless, powerless and ineffective for the Kingdom of God . 


Although we contend against these issues regularly, the Lord has recently revealed to me that the enemy has loosed targeted assignments specifically sent at this time to beat up, beat down and wear out the saints. These assignments are labeled Distraction, Discouragement, Deception and the Accuser of the Brethren.


These assignments are designed to bring death, dysfunction and hopelessness both individually and corporately.  Some of the enemy’s schemes and tactics are detailed below: 


 This is what I believe the Lord spoke specifically to me  in reference to distraction and discouragement.  Many of you will have other situations that are unique to you and your churches and ministries. The intent is to recognize the schemes and plans of the enemy and collectively as the Body of Christ, through the power of unity, come into agreement in prayer through petition, proclamation and declaration to divert these schemes and plans. 


Distraction – The enemy is trying to rob many of their time, their energy, their joy and of their resources both individually and at the corporate level.

·        Unnecessary projects that appear necessary and picking up assignments intended for someone else

·        Many have projects and assignments that the Lord has given them to do, but the timing is not for now.  The enemy would want individuals to get off of course from what they are truly supposed to be doing by spending their time, resources and energy into something that is really anointed for another time.

·        Equipment problems and malfunctions – computer, communication systems, vehicles, media and sound equipment, etc.

·        Personnel (ministry and work) and Relational issues (all kinds)


Discouragement -

·        Loss of vision/doubt and disbelief

·        Relationship issues interpersonal and corporate

·        Employment and financial issues-delay and loss of resources

·        Illness – emotional, physical and spiritual


Accuser of the Brethren and Deception – The enemy has loosed a concentrated effort to bring disunity and offenses into the corporate Body of Christ. 


In addition to that, a deceptive spirit has been loosed causing situations to appear differently then they really are.  Because of this, individuals are judging and misreading situations incorrectly and are unable to discern accurately the true heart and motives of their brothers and sisters in Christ. 


This is occurring within interpersonal relationships as well as at the corporate level.  Emotions are high and many pastors, ministry leaders and congregations are feeling emotions of fear, agitation, frustration, hopelessness, anxiety, worry, doubt and disbelief, etc.  We need to lay down our own preconceived ideas and notions and put on the mind of Christ and seek the Father’s Heart, so that we can rightly discern the times and seasons we are in, and correctly assess even the most difficult of situations. The goal is to move more purposefully onto the path that the Lord has lain before each and everyone of us, as individuals and as part of the Greater Corporate Body of Christ. 


We each fit somewhere………….


Ps 133, Eph 4:34-5:2, Col 3:12 -17, Ecc 4:9-12, Amos 3:3, 1 Cor 12:12 -31, 1 Cor 13, 


As many of you are aware, the Lord is transitioning His church for the next move of God, and many churches, ministries and individuals are at a critical crossroads in their creative purpose and destiny.  These churches, ministries and individuals are at various stages of transition, positioning/repositioning and are on the verge of the launching of new ministries/destinies. 


The enemy is trying to sabotage these processes by bringing in chaos and confusion, deception, disunity, discouragement, doubt and disbelief.  Many of those whom the Lord is moving upon are facing critical decisions and the enemy would love nothing better then to get the Corporate Body of Christ and the Saints of God to make these decisions based out of emotions, fear and out of the flesh instead of by the Spirit of the God.


It is imperative that you get into a place of peace and rest and seek the Lord for His Council.  Spend more time in the Word of God, set time aside for uninterrupted quiet times with the Lord in an attitude of prayer and worship, seek outside council from within and outside of your churches/ministries, write down the goals and the vision of the church, ministry or that you have individually and carefully consider these in prayer and through proper council. 


Whatever you do, do not make decisions out of your emotions and do not fly solo (say No to the independent spirit-the enemy would love to isolate you and separate you from those that can help walk you through your time of transition).  Keep communication lines open with all interested parties (this will help keep the accuser away) and individually make sure you are physically taking proper care of yourself


Set time aside for your family, friends and loved ones and set time aside to go have some fun and play time.  All these things will help alleviate the effects of stress and weariness.   


Churches and Ministries may experience the following:


Reshaping of vision, birthing and launching of new ministries. downsizing. Some ministries will be going back to the original vision that they strayed from even years ago (returning to their First Love), and still other churches and ministries will simply fade away and merge into the new thing the Lord is doing. (Remember where the Lord closes a door He always opens a new one up.  It just may not look the way you thought it might.)


Individuals may experience the following:


·        Repositioning in your current church or ministries you are affiliated with

·        Increased responsibility at the ministry level.  Some will be leaving the secular world to move into itinerant ministry.

·        Laying down of ministry responsibilities

1.  To enter into a time of seeking the Lord for His direction about what to do in the next season of their lives.  This will be a time to develop greater personal intimacy with the Lord and a time where vision will be reshaped and birthed. 

2.  To enter into a season of healing and deliverance in preparation for the Lord moving them more fully into their creative purpose and destiny.  If that is you embrace it!!!

3.      To enter into a season of getting their “houses in order”

·        Some will be transitioning to new church homes/even relocating geographically

1.  To impart, teach and train in the areas the Lord has gifted them in.

2.  To undergo a season of mentoring, discipleship, teaching and training.  This will be a season of great growth for many.

3.  Some have relationship issues and disagreements at the corporate level.  Remember, it is ok to agree to disagree.  If you are one who has issues with your leadership that are irresolvable, and you have done everything you can to try to resolve these situations, then simply agree to disagree and move on in peace and bless them.  Pastors and ministry leaders --if there are those that that the Lord has given you charge over, who have irreconcilable differences with your church or your ministry, and after doing all you can do to rectify these differences, then bless them in love and release them to their new church home.  Remember to do all you can do to maintain Unity!!!!!!!!!!!!


If this word bears witness to you at any level please pray accordingly.  Stay in an attitude of praise and worship and pray and prophesy the Word of God over your lives, churches and ministries.  If you are one who the Lord is moving upon, remember to get others to rally around you to help maintain balance, to provide help and support during this time of transition, testing or trial.


Here are some scriptures to mediate on: Phil 4: 4-9, 1 Peter 5:6-11, Eph 3:14-21, Dan 2:20-23, Matt 6:8-13, Rom 12:9-2, Neh 8:10


Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. NKJV


Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. NKJV

