Please Be Patient With Me


When you don’t feel My presence, don’t feel you have done something wrong.  
Why are you feeling as though you are not going forward in your walk with Me?  
Those thoughts are not from Me, let them go. The enemy wants you to think that.  
He wants you to doubt you ever heard My voice. Know that I am allowing you this time to rest in Me 
while I prepare your body for the next mission.  Don’t worry that you aren’t kept busy all the time.  
You must know that you are with Me and I am with you.  The life that you are living is being smiled upon.
Take this time to pray with Me, to worship me, to learn of Me, to come and sit at My feet. 
Please be patient with me


While you wait in silence, or what you think is silence, is My chance to give you new life.  
Some things take time for Me to show my children.  Some things My children won’t be afraid of.  
If I gave you what you are asking for on your time, you wouldn’t be ready to receive it.  
Remember, all things work together for the good of those who love the Me, 
and are called according to My purpose.  I know that you love Me, 
and you know that I called you, so Please be patient with Me.



Please, don’t call our quiet time together wasted time.  I don’t waste one second. 
If you will be patient I will turn all your reversals into rehearsals for my Glory.  
Rest in this and be patient.  Use this time to meditate with Me. 
What you consider as a move backwards is necessary in My process. 
I am controlling all of your time.
I see all your moves; I know all your thoughts, I know all your ways.  
For I know the plans that I have you, plans to prosper you 
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
Please be patient with Me.


Remember how you trusted Me in the past to work in you? 
You were so pleased with what we accomplished, please trust Me now. 
You’ve come to far, don’t doubt Me now. Don’t worry, I haven’t broken one promise yet. 
And stop thinking that I don’t need you. Please, tell Me why do you think that? 
Things haven’t change. I haven’t changed.  I cannot change.  
Please be patient with Me, I will bring to pass all that I have promised. 
For I am God, I changeth not.