Exodus 14:13-14, Moses told them to fear not, stand still, and see the salvation
of the Lord. The Lord will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. Hold
your peace, let God fight the battle. All you have to do is trust Him. Trust Him
and know that GOD IS! Stand still and hear what the
Lord will command concerning your problem. Do not listen to any other voice but
God’s while you are going through. His voice is the only one that can and will
lead you out. Friends mean well, but there are times when your friends get in
the way of the blessing the Lord has for you. Pray and be still. ·
If there
is a problem in your life, and you cannot seem to solve it. Take your hands off
it! Pray and stand still. ·
If your
husband or wife has left you, and you know God gave them to you. Pray and stand
still. ·
If you
are sick, and the doctor has given up. Do not give up on God. Pray and stand
still. ·
Do not
look to the left, do not look to the right, but look to the hills from which
cometh your help. ·
and stand still. Waiting
on God is not always easy. He never said that it would be. But if you allow Him
to work it out for you, you will come through the test sooner. Do not move until
you know it is the Lord guiding you. He will speak peace to soothe your weary
soul. Soon, you will see every trial unfold. God has not forgotten you; He knows
exactly where you are and what you are going through. God is our refuge, a very
present help in time of trouble. Then, having done all… stand. Stand with the
full armour of God on. Stand up and bless the Lord your God.
Stand Still and see the salvation of the Lord. GOD'S
And the
Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, The Lord doesn�t want you to worry about your enemies. That�s what the devil wants you to do. As long as he has your mind focused on him, you can't do what God needs you to do. Apostle Paul said the God of Peace will soon crush Satan under you feet (Rom 16:20). If you can maintain peace during warfare, you send a mighty blow to satanic oppression and fear. Peace is spirit power. Your first step in having authority over the enemy is having peace in the midst of the storm. Do you remember the storm that Jesus was in? He was asleep on the ship, and the waves began to beat against the boat. The disciples became afraid, and wanted Him to wake up. How could He sleep through a storm like this? Didn't He care? These same disciples had seen Jesus perform many miracles, yet when the storm hit they forgot who was on board. Have you forgotten who's on board? So it is with your life now, you believe on Him for salvation, you trust Him for the forgiveness of sins, you look to Him to supply your daily needs, but when a sudden storm hits and everything is falling apart, we forget who is the captain of our ship. Let's look at how Jesus handles the situation. He didn't fight against the storm, neither did He fear it, but He spoke to it with authority, and subdued it with His perfect peace. Speak the Word. As I sit here working on this newsletter, my feet are resting on a footstool, the Lord gave me a word; God says to sit at His right hand while He makes thy enemies a footstool for your feet. (Psalm110: 1-2). I believe the Lord has already made your enemies your footstool. You just need to walk in the knowledge of it. Sit, rest knowing that God has already made your enemies your footstool. How awesome is that? That is how He wants us to see our enemies, as our footstools. I don't know about you but I like resting my feet on my footstool. Surely you are tired of the enemy walking all over you. Put them under your feet. Rest
your feet on them! Now, don't
that feel good! Spiritual
Let's take a quick look at what you are going through. It is not a battle against the people you work with, your neighbors, your friends or even your family. But, you are battling against principalities, in other words Satan and his camp. You see it's not you that Satan is made with; it's the Christ within you that he hates. When you were out in the world doing your thing, he didn't care because you were doing what he wanted you to do. However, the moment you decided to follow Jesus, all hell broke loose to turn you around. To be successful in this battle, you have go to know the Word of God. That is the only way to win. God says don't fear.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to
the pulling down of strongholds. We
are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the
knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of
Christ. (II Cor.10; 4-5). You have
the Spirit of God fighting this battle. All
you have to do is change your clothes and put on the Amour of God.
Put on the whole Amour of God., that ye may be able to stand against the
attacks of the enemy (your designer clothes won't help you now).
Stand with your loins girdled with the truth, put on the breastplate of
righteousness. Kick off those
designer original shoes and have your feet covered with the readiness of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Take authority over every demonic hindrance in your finances, or in any
area of your life. Render them
helpless, powerless, inoperative, and ineffective to hinder any area of your
life in the name of Jesus! AMEN!
ONE I pray that this reaches the
person who had the question. When you don't feel my presence, don't feel that is
something that you have done wrong. You
feel as though you are not going forward in your walk with me.
The enemy wants you to think that. He
wants you to doubt you ever heard my voice. Know that I am allowing you this
time to rest in me while I prepare your physical body for the next mission.
Don't worry that you aren't kept busy all the time.
Know that all the time you are with me and the life that you are living
is being smiled upon. Take this time to stay in prayer with me, to worship me,
to learn of me. Be patient. While you wait in silence, or what you call silence, is
my chance to give you new life. Some
things take time for me to show my children.
Some things my children won't be afraid of. If I gave you what you are asking for on your time, you
wouldn't be ready. Use this time
to meditate with me. Be patient. Don't call it wasted time.
Be patient and I will turn all your reversal into rehearsals for
my Kingdom. Rest in this.
What you think is a backward move, is actually necessary in the process. I
am in control of your time. I see all your moves; I know all your thoughts,
all your ways. For I know the plans that I have you, plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jer. 29:11).
Just as you trusted me in the past to work in you, please trust me now.
I have not changed. Be patient I will bring to pass all that I have
promised. IN CLOSING: BE BLESSED, Shearon |