

How to Alleviate:

 “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.”  II Cor. 13:5a
“For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged”                         I  Cor. 11:31


  1. UNFORGIVENESS (includes self) (causes bitterness and resentment)

     If you harbor a guilt complex, bind and loose
Gift before altar (I Sam. 15:22)
Cleansing of:

Our forgiveness from God is in proportion to our
  forgiveness to our fellowman

Health from forgiveness

1 Jn. 1:9
Mt. 16:19; 18:18

Mt. 5:23-24
Mk. 11-25-26  Mt.18:21-22
Lk. 23:34  Jn. 20:33 
II Cor. 2:10-11
Ps. 32:1-5

  1. OBEDIENCE (Rom. 14:22)

The Lord’s commandment
Images, cursed things
Honoring parents, not in-law domination  

Isa. 1:19

Mk. 12:30  Mt. 22:36-40
Jas. 4:17
Josh. 7  Deut. 7:25-26
Deut. 5:16

  1. HATE – a destructive force (self pity) vs. LOVE-creative force

Results of hate

Jn. 3:17  Rom. 8:1
Phil. 1:6  I Pet. 5:7
Prov. 26;24-28
I Jn. 2:9-12
I Jn. 3:15-22

  1. DOUBT – UNBELIEF – anxiety, opposite of trust

Prayer of doubt negates prayer of faith
Them that believe
Evil heart of unbelief
Abraham’ belief

“As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.”  

Jas. 5:15

Mk. 16:16  Jn. 7:37-39
Prov. 3:5-7
Heb. 4:6  Heb. 3:12
Rom. 4:20  Isa. 7:9
Mt. 8:13

  1. UNREPENTED SIN – flagrant sin in one’s life festers in the soul

There is a difference between willful acts and weaknesses!
Weaknesses and short-comings make overcomers
Separates from God
5 kinds of sin
How sin enters


Rev. 2&3
Isa. 59:1-2  Ps. 66:18
Ps. 19:12-13
Josh. 7:21  Gen. 3:6


  1. PRAYING CORRECTLY – There is a divine order

1.       Entering in: Phil 4:6; I Thes. 5:18; Eph. 5:20-21

2.       First of All

3.       Using God’s Word  Jer. 1:12; Isa.55:11
Prov. 28-9-Law, Commandments, Word, All

Word, Sayings, the Word of the Lord  


Ps. 100:4

I Tim. 2:1-4

Hos. 14:2
Jn. 15:7

  1. CARE OF TEMPLE OF GOD –ignoring the physical laws of cause and effect. God does not set aside

Over-indulgence is SUFFERING
Our responsibility to care for even though, God heals

Mal. 3:6

Lk. 21:34
I Cor. 9:25-27; Rom. 12:1-2; Prov. 23:1-3; 6-8

  1. TOUCHING GOD’S ANOINTED (His servants- I Cor.12:28) 

Eph. 4:11; Ps. 105:15;I Chr. 16;22; I Sam. 26:5-11;
I Thes. 5:12-13; Heb. 6:10

  1. FEAR –cancels effects of prayer

Fear of man is not Fear of the Lord

Natural fear is body protecting self
Religious fear
Demonic fear – enslaves and torments

Terror of unknown when told you have cancer blocks flow of God’s love for healing
Overcome by blood of Jesus and word of confession
-          Reverses body processes

Isa. 51:7; 12  Ps.111:10
Prov. 29:25    Prov. 2:1-5

Ps. 56:4, 11   Mal. 3:16-18; 4:2

 Isa. 29:13-14
II Tim. 1:7  I   Jn. 4:18

  Rev. 12:11


It is God’s holy (separated unto Him) and instituted by Him

Disobedience brought wrath of God
Honors the Lord
How God cares for His servants


Mal. 3:8-10

Lev. 27:30-32

Josh. 7 Josh. 6:19
II Cor. 9:6-10  Prov. 3:9-10
Lk. 6:38

Rom. 12:13  I Cor. 9:13
Num. 8:24-32  


When criticizing brethen in Christ, one is not discerning the Lord’s body, the church.
This is the most subtle sin, causes disease and unhappiness more than anything in the church.
Let us not: Gal 5:26, but let us Heb.10:24  

I Cor. 11:27-31


Eph. 4:29-32
Jas. 4:11
Rom. 15:1-7

  1. KIND OF FAITH- Comes by hearing the Word of God

Jesus equates faith with belief
Hold fast
“If it be thy will” – never said in the Bible in relation to a healing or answer to prayer, only in prayer of commitment or consecration through Jesus’ commitment to His sacrifice!  

Rom. 10:17

Mt. 9:27-29  Mk. 5:25-34
Lk. 1:45; Rom. 4:21; Heb.10:23
Lk. 22:42; Mk 14:36  


Isa. 57:1-2

  1. TIME TO DIE – Eccl. 3

Allotted time for man – 3 score and 10 years
With time, also
Elisha died of a sickness and had a double portion of God’s spirit.

Fruit falls from the tree when ripe.
When time to die, released to: last earthly healing, to the presence of God, to larger life of eternity, if die in Christ Jesus


Heb. 9:27

Isa. 55:8-9
II Ki. 2:9-10



  1. CONDITIONS – God is no respecter of persons, but is of conditions:  

Just to name a few:

Accepting or rejecting healing, disability insurance (example) or “Pity parties” – attention given through sickness from others
Speaking wrong confession Taking chances
Too busy doing own thing to give God any of their time, so Spirit of man undernourished
Divisions over doctrines, ritual

 Job 3:25; Job 22:28