This is a year of release, saith the Lord.  I will release My people from the bondage of debt but  I will also release them from vows. It is a serious thing to vow a vow unto their God.


Many vows have been spoken in an attempt to manipulate Me, saith the Lord.  My people have said, “Lord, if you will do this, then I will do that.”  I understand that these vows were spoken out of fear and not from a heart of trust.  I have erased these vows from My book of Remembrance, saith the Lord. I will remember them no more.


There are other’s among My people that made vows that involved other people and were spoken in front of one or more witnesses.  I see and know that these vows were broken because of the actions of other’s.  I will not hold My Own to these vows.  They are released and set free from the bondage of shame and guilt that has been a dark cloud over them.  The enemy has come time and time again to condemn these and remind them of the words that were spoken but no more, saith the Lord.  It stops here and it stops now. 


My word says to guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.  There are also those among My people that made vows that flowed from a heart of sorrow and pain.  Their vows were made out of the issues of their lives which were unhealed areas of the heart.  Because some where so badly wounded as children they vowed that they would never love, for it seemed to them that it hurt too much to love and to be loved.  Thus, they bound themselves and built a wall so that the hurt that they experienced could not touch them again.  Ah, saith the Lord, I release these from their vows.  I will love to life these unhealed areas of the heart and they will live again and they will love again.  Freedom has come, saith God, and I will sing songs of deliverance over these.


There are those that made vows because they were manipulated by the voice of men.  They were instructed that the vows that they made would move My hand, saith the Lord.  There will be rejoicing among My people as I call these vows to naught and release them from this bondage that the enemy used the mouth of men to draw My people into.  These have lived in fear that if the vows were not kept that evil would befall them.  It is a lie, saith the Lord, and never again will the enemy be able to hold My own in this bondage.  Listen for the voice of My Spirit for He leads My own into paths of  righteousness where there is liberty and freedom.   Released, saith the Lord, My people are released from vows made that were manipulated by the voice of men.


Do you hear?  Freedom bells are ringing as I release My people from the bondage of vows spoken and broken.  Be free, saith the Lord, for I will remember no more unfilled vows.  (Scripture Ref. Numbers 30:1-16, 30:1)