

An Invocation of Divine Blessing

Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:  The Lord make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:  The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Genesis 31:49
And Mizpah; for he said, The Lord watch between me and thee,
when we are absent one from another.

Deut. 4:29-31
But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him,
if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.  When thou art in tribulation,
and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God,
and shalt be obedient unto his voice;  (For the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.

Apostolic Blessing

2 Cor. 13:14
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

Jude 1:24-25
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling,
and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.


House Blessing

1 Chron. 17:27
Now therefore let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant,
 that it may be before thee for ever: for thou blesses,
O Lord, and it shall be blessed for ever.


Blessing of Traveling Mercies

1 Thes. 3:11-13
Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you. 
And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you:  To the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.