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Publisher Shearon Hurst        Issue 33      Dec. 04, 2003




Heb 10:23  Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised;

We left off talking about the woman with the issue of blood chasing after God for her promise of healing.   I want to you remember how she wouldn't give up until she got her healing. It didn't matter that she had been talked about she wanted her healing.  It didn't matter that had to suffer for a season she wanted her healing.  It didn't matter that it looked like all hope was gone she was determined to get her healing. 

        Simon Dewey art print: Touch of Faith

You have to be aggressive in seeking after God. You must have passion about seeking God's promises for your life. God asked David to seek his face and David said "When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek. David answered from his heart with passion. People will try to discourage you and tell you "it's just not your time." If God told you it was for you then you reject that and say, "It is not God's time for me to have it yet." Your timing and God's timing are two different things. Give them that word and continue to confess what the Word of God says about you. 

God knows your needs and when you need it. The Word says He has already answered before you called. "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Hold onto to your confession of faith.  God is faithful to keep His promises.


Watch What You Say


Wherever you are today in life, chances are your words, your spoken words got you there. Whether it's a good place or a bad place, words you spoke help to put you there. Think about it for a moment.  What an awesome revelation!  Now did you speak blessings or curses in your life?

Speak your way into your blessing. Speak increase into your life not decrease. Speak about the big things that have been spoken over your life and begin to see them come to pass.  Keep the vision before you at all times, don't let the enemy tell you it won't come to pass.   Don't allow the enemy to steal anything God has promised you.  Get the word in your heart, and don't let the enemy near it.  The word says the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, but the word of God says Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 

If the enemy can get you to talk against God's will for your life, he will destroy your hopes and dreams, and he will have won.  You must not let that happen.  Never give place to the devil. The enemy has no legal right to touch you (unless you gave it to him), but if he can get you to start confessing doubt and complaining about what you are going through, then he has successfully derailed the you from the promises of God. What are you going to do about this?  You must correct it.  How?  By repenting of any unbelief and doubt, then speaking the right confessions.



Right and Wrong Confessions


Remember you will never grow or get anything beyond what you confess.  Your daily confession should be of who the Father is to you, and what His promises are.

A wrong confession is the confession of defeat, failure and of the supremacy of Satan.  Talking about your combat with the enemy, how he has hindered you and how he is holding you in bondage and keeping you sick, broke, and tired is a confession of defeat.  It is a wrong confession.  It glorifies the adversary.

If you're always talking about your trials, your testings, your difficulties, your lack of faith, then your faith will shrivel.  It will lose its vitality for life. Every time you confess your doubts and your fears, you confess your weakness and your disease. You are openly confessing that the Word of God is not true and that God has failed to make it good.  The believer who is always confessing his sins and his weaknesses is building weakness, failure and sin into his consciousness. 

A right confession is that God is the Lord over your life. That He overcame sickness, disease, poverty and that He has all power over Satan. You hold fast to that confession and in the face of every need, you confess that the Lord is your Shepherd and you do not want. He is your supply, He is your health, He is your strength of your life, of whom shall you be afraid?  What you confess you will possess.

Remember every time you confess weakness and failure; you go to the level of them.   You can pray and believe, and shout all over the church that the Lord has heard you prayer and you are delivered, but as soon as you get off your knees if you question or doubt that He has heard your prayer, then your last confession cancels out your prayer.

When you get off your knees you must begin to fight the good fight of faith to keep the enemy from stealing your blessing. Don't worry about fighting the enemy; Jesus defeated him over two thousand years ago.  You must resist him by using the word of God and fighting the good fight of faith.  Talk about God's Word.  Talk about God's goodness to you.  Fill your lips with joy and praises for the Lord.  Start thanking Him for answering your prayers.  As you do this your faith will grow by leaps and bounds.

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. 1Ti 6:12

Faith doesn't ask for the possible things, faith is demanding the impossible. When you are praying you aren�t praying for the possible; in other words something you can get yourself. You are praying for something that only God can deliver.




 Whatever you are believing God for is attainable. For the Word of God says all things are possible if you can believe.

 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Mar 9:23 

It doesn't matter if you are believing God for physical healing, financial healing or emotional healing; the Word of Gods says you can have it!  Find scriptures to back up what you are believing God for and plant them deep within your spirit.  Once you do that you must begin to water them with the Word of God each time a weed (the enemy) comes in to steal your blessing away.  Watch over your promises, as you would your child.  Protect them from being destroyed by the enemy.  The more you water and watch over your promises with your confessions of faith, the deeper the root will grow.  The only way for your confessions to manifest and produce fruit is to keep the weeds of doubt, failure and unbelief away from them.  If not they will grow and choke out the promises that were spoken into your life.

And while you are watching over your promises, don't allow anyone to speak words of doubt over your life.  If they say you are still sick, tell them by His stripes you are healed.  If they say you still can't pay your bills, tell them God has supplied all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.  Every time you allow them to talk bad about your circumstances, you begin to talk with them and dwell on what you are going through.  Then you wonder if God will deliver you out of your situation. Instead of them blessing you, they have cursed you (not meaning to, but they did). Those are the kind of weeds you need to keep out of your garden (promises).  Pull them up by the root with the Word of God and watch them die.  Remember, these promises are your life; don't let anyone take your life, your joy away.  Protect the promises of God with the Word of God.  


Only you can walk into the fullness of what God has for you.  So tell me are you ready to take the next step of faith and trust God to bring what He has promised to pass in your life?

So look back on what has been spoken over your life this year. Dig out every word of God that you know was for you and begin to confess what the Word of God says over your life.  It doesn''t matter if you are standing on words spoken to you today, yesterday or years ago.  STAND! 

Listen to me now. Go back and review and rehearse the vision I gave to you. I know you have them written down.  Go back and review them, for I spoke them to you, and they are real. Keep the vision before you, set you face like flint towards that vision. Surely your reward will come.

To maintain your confession and hold fast to your confession is the secret of success and victory to the divine life.



Shirley Lise

Walk in and take the land!

Do you understand how to take the victory over your circumstances? Have you finally gotten to the place where you are able to overcome? I have been teaching you how to be an overcomer. I have brought you to the place where you see that there is a battle between the good and an evil report. I have lifted your eyes up and off your circumstances and onto Me. I have directed your gaze upward. When you are looking up, you rise above your circumstances and they have no power over you. But when you look at your circumstances instead of the things above, you are defeated. This is the lesson I have been teaching My Bride, that victory comes by overcoming a negative report with the word of the Lord!

I have shown you that as you speak out the word, it brings life into lifeless circumstances. This is what I call walking by faith and not by sight. This is what I expect those who put their trust in Me to do. Though their circumstances may look impossible, all things are possible toward those who look to Me!

Have I not taught you that the realm of the supernatural supercedes the natural realm? Have I not made it clear that the greatest weapon you carry is the weapon of your testimony, that the words you speak either bring life or death, that the power is in the tongue? Speak life and you will see life! Speak death and you will see death! So you see, you have a choice.

Never Doubt


Nothing is too difficult for your God. Nothing, I say, NOTHING! So continue to speak those words of life. Continue to call into being those things that are not, for in so doing, you are bringing the spiritual into the natural and what you have declared in the Heavens will be made manifest in the Earth! Walk in the power given you. Trample the enemy underfoot. Destroy the works of the enemy by speaking forth the word of truth!

Know the truth and it shall set you free! Understand the heart of the Father is to bless abundantly beyond all measure and that He wills that none should perish. So speak it forth into the Heavens. Declare that every knee shall bow before My throne. Acknowledge the Lord over the kingdoms of the world. Trumpet forth the message to an erring generation that the Lord God Almighty reigns! Let this be the testimony on your lips!

I am coming for a Bride without spot or wrinkle, for one who lines up perfectly with My will and purposes in the Earth. I will know those who are Mine by the words they speak, for they cannot help but testify of My wonderful deeds to the nations! They cannot be constricted by those who oppose, for life dwells within them, and that life flows outward from them.

So check the words you speak. Are they words of life that reach into a soul and bring life, or do they give glory to the work of the enemy? I challenge you this day to line up the words you speak with My words. Speak life into your circumstances and do not bow down to the enemy's tactics to have you come into agreement with what you see in the natural realm. All power belongs to Me and I have given it to you, so speak words of life and you will see a lifeless situation change. This is the greatest, most powerful weapon given to My Bride.
o use it! 



Is too hard for God? How would you KNOW that with God nothing is impossible? It is one thing to read the words in the Word, but another thing to actually experience the Word in your life or of a loved one. Once you have experienced a situation that was impossible to you, but with your God in control it was not too hard for Him, and you watched Him do the impossible, you will KNOW that with God all things are possible. And you will experience that He not only does the impossible, but He blesses you through it!

Therefore, why do you get angry or depressed or loose faith in God because of what He allowed and intended to bless you with? Why do you even doubt that God could 'handle your situation'? There is not one thing in your life that God does not already know about. Oh, is it not happening the way you want it to, or within the time frame that you set up, so you cannot trust Him? Or did you decide it seems to be best if "you" take over and make 'it' work out, somehow. Does that not imply that God cannot be trusted?


Hebrews 12:2 [20 kb]

Let's look at Abraham. He was promised a child and from that child would be a 'great nation'! He knew God and He trusted God. But as time went on and no child was given, he began to question God. "God, a servant was born in my house and he legally is my heir, surely this is what You meant." God said, "No, Abraham, you, yourself will father the child." Years went by and now he is getting old and Sarah has long past childbearing years. So they decided that Abraham could father a child through one of Sarah's servants. It made sense didn't it? God hadn't given them a child and they were now too old and so they just stepped out and helped God fulfill His Word. It was as we call it today, an Ishmael.

Years still went by and then when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old, a son was born to them. God waited until it was so impossible you couldn't do anything but laugh at such an idea, to do the impossible. And Isaac, which means laughter, was born. And, of course, Abraham was made the father of many nations. His great trial turned into an exceeding great blessing.  The Bible is filled with such accounts of great trials followed by great blessings.

God so delights in setting you up for an impossible intervention and then just blessing you more than you could imagine. Have you considered your 'trial' or 'difficulty' as a 'set-up' by God for a great blessing? I have surely experienced this! What seemed so disastrous to me with no way out was turned around into a great blessing and such freedom. What I went through turned my broken heart and so much pain into a completely restored heart and with the pain turned into such peace and joy!

God can do this for you! This is really His intention! He so desires that you experience that 'nothing, not even your situation' is too difficult for Him! God is Supernatural and so are His Ways! You just must trust Him, absolutely trust Him, lean on Him, and allow Him to be in control!

Contributors to this newsletter:
Dana Ahern
- Editing

And all of your prayers and encouraging words


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